How long should you leave concrete before drilling?

Publish date: 2024-09-01

How long will I have to wait before I can drill into it and fit some rawl-bolts (shield anchor bolts)? I would leave it about 3 days. Concrete will harden to it’s optimum at about 28 days,(depending on additives), but it will cure hard enough for you to drill it after 3.Click to see full answer. Hereof, how long does concrete need to cure before drilling?Let the concrete cure for at least 3 days before drilling. Waiting 7 days would be best before installing the anchors. Expansion anchors exert a great deal of outward force against the concrete and it takes at least 5-7 days for concrete to cure to 60% of its designed strength.Likewise, how long does it take 5000 PSI concrete to cure? Some mix designs reach 5,000 psi of compressive strength in seven days – or even in 24 hours. However, the faster concrete reaches the minimum design compressive strength, the greater the cost of the concrete. Keeping this in view, how long does 4 inches of concrete take to cure? 28 days What is the fastest way to cure concrete? How to Speed Up Concrete Drying Pour the concrete during warmer, sunnier weather. It will dry faster than it would in cooler weather. Add calcium chloride, an accelerating compound, to the concrete before pouring while it is still wet. Position a heater near the concrete. Place a plastic sheet over the concrete to trap escaping moisture.
