What is the red stuff in my banana?
Nigrospora is a fungal disease that causes the centre of the banana to turn dark red. Nigrospora can infect the fruit in tropical climates where bananas are grown. While unappealing to eat, these diseases affecting bananas are not a threat to human health, however when in doubt, throw it out or compost them.Click to see full answer. Also asked, are blood bananas edible?The blood banana is an ornamental plant, named for the dark red patches on its leaves, though its small-seeded fruits are also edible. It grows 6′ to 8′ tall in the wild, but is well-adapted to container growing and can be maintained at 3′ to 5′.Beside above, is Nigrospora dangerous to humans? sphaerica is not widely considered a true human pathogen, however there are various reported cases of Nigrospora species in human eye and skin infections. Of those, there have only been a handful of reported cases of N. sphaerica infection in human. In this regard, what is the brown stuff in the middle of a banana? If a banana is soft and has a brown or dark coloured inside it-then it has become overripe and should not be eaten. If the banana is black, then throw it away because you cannot eat it! A major condition/disease that affects bananas is referred to as “black centre syndrome”.What are the black things in bananas?If you’ve noticed little black dots in the middle of the banana, you’ve discovered immature seeds that won’t develop, which happens with triploids.